There are many opportunities for parents, family members and people from the community to be involved at Thorndon Park Primary School and volunteer in a range of teaching and learning activities for example:
- Governing CouncilSub-committees of Governing Council: Finance Advisory; Out of School Hours Care; and Canteen
- Working Parties Assets and Landscape; After School Sports; Community Engagement and Fundraising
- Canteen Helper
- Listening to Reading
- Coaching After School Sports Teams
- Kitchen Garden Programs
- Learning Support and Classroom Assistance:
- Listening to reading
- Learning support and classroom assistance
- Library support
- Coaching after school sports teams
- Working bees
- SAPSASA, sports carnivals and activities
- Special events such as Harmony Day, Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day & Sports Day
- Parents, friends and community members are also welcome to attend our assemblies, held on Friday mornings from 9.10am, (dates and times published in the school newsletter and on the website calendar).
Sports Days and SAPSASA activities
Special events such as Harmony Day, Mothers’, Fathers’, Grandparents’ Days, Expos, Quiz and Movie Nights.
Parents, friends and community members are also welcome to attend our Assemblies, held on Friday mornings from 9.00am (dates and times published in the school newsletter and on the website calendar).
All regular volunteers and helpers are required to have:
- a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) to assess their suitability for working with children
- completed the online Responding to Abuse & Neglect (RAN) Training (with a copy of the certificate provided to the school)
- Volunteers must also familiarise themselves with the school’s Volunteer expectations and complete the School’s volunteer agreement. All volunteers and helpers are required to sign in on arrival, wear visitor’s identificatio
- Information about Volunteering, online Responding to Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RAN-EC) Training (www.education.sa.gov.au/working-us/responding-abuse-and-neglect-training) and application forms for Working with Children Check (WWCC) can be obtained from the school office and costs associated will be covered by the school for regular volunteers.
- Please note that all volunteers are bound to comply with all local site requirements and policies, Volunteer Policy, and Department for Education Volunteer Policy