The school is situated on a well-maintained site near the foothills of Black Hill in the suburb of Athelstone. On site parking is available for staff only at the front and side of the school.

The buildings include:

An Administration area consisting of Front Office Admin, Finance and OSHC Admin and photocopier, spaces, Principal, Deputy and Co-ordinator offices, Conference Room, Staff Room, First Aid Room, ICT/technicians’ office, staff toilets.
Gymnasium- Bradman Gym for OSHC service with storage rooms, Canteen and an Access toilet.

There is a staff room with microwaves, fridges and withdrawal areas for teacher preparation.
The Thiele Kitchen and Canteen have ovens, hotplates and dishwashers The Teacher Resource Centre is located in the Thiele Library area.
Staff car parks are available on site in the front of the school and more parks available at the back southern side of the school.

Five transportable buildings consisting of six R-2 classrooms, four years 4 -6 classrooms and a withdrawal room for teacher preparation area, photocopier and student intervention spaces.
Brick building – Thiele – STEM Works area Library and teacher Resource areas, Gallery, Withdrawal room for intervention and instrumental music

Outdoor storage sheds near staff car park and at the back of the oval for extra Sporting equipment.
External pods for furniture storage – tables and chairs, gym high jump mat.