Last day of Term 2 / 2024
Friday 5 July is the last day of term 2. It will be a casual day with an early dismissal at 2:10pm.
The focus of the BYOD program at Thorndon Park Primary School is to provide tools and resources to the 21st-Century Learner as they need it. A successful BYOD program requires technology to be seamlessly integrated throughout the school’s curriculum. Increased access to technology is essential for teaching students skills for a future in which, as societal trends suggest, digital literacy is key. The individual use of personal devices is a way to empower students to work to their full potential and develop essential learning habits with the support of digital tools.
Leveraging Digital
Leveraging digital accelerates access to knowledge beyond the classroom and cultivates student driven deep learning. Learning results from continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents and the extended community. Leveraging digital does not diminish the vital role of the teacher. On the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Nor will it diminish other essential skills including face to face collaboration, handwriting and other forms of creative expression. Effective teaching and learning with technology integrates technology into the curriculum any time, any place. The teaching and learning practices at TPPS have been designed in such a way that the learner gains greater freedom and flexibility in participating in learning activities. This has contributed to learners being more independent and taking greater responsibility for their learning.
Thorndon Park Primary School BYOD Program 2024 – Overview
Chromebook Procedures & User Agreement
Difference Between ICT and Digital Technologies Infographic
Friday 5 July is the last day of term 2. It will be a casual day with an early dismissal at 2:10pm.
Our Mid-Year Rec Transition Visit 2 will be held on Friday 21 June from 12:15pm to 2:45pm.
Friday 5 July is the last day of term 2. It will be a casual day with an early dismissal at 2:10pm.
Our Mid-Year Rec Transition Visit 2 will be held on Friday 21 June from 12:15pm to 2:45pm.
Postal Address: 71 Stradbroke Road Athelstone SA 5076
Tel: +61 8 8337 2050
Fax: +61 8 8337 5890