School Context Statement


School number: 1154

School name: Thorndon Park Primary School

School Profile:

Thorndon Park Primary School is located in the northeastern suburbs of Adelaide near Black Hill Conservation Park. 

Our school’s motto ‘Learning today for the future’ supports our Vision to ‘inspire our learners to become confident, creative and active, global citizens of the future.’

School Values: Respect, Creativity, Excellence and Resilience.

Our diverse school community embraces inclusion and a sense of pride in our collaborative learning achievements. We nurture the whole child and actively promote student voice and the collective responsibility to create a safe, supportive and challenging teaching and learning environment.

Our caring, committed, quality leaders, teachers and staff develop mutually respectful relationships between students, parents and families to build a culture of high expectations with positive partnerships between school and home. Thorndon Park Primary School promotes the development of our students’ powerful learner dispositions, growth mindsets and utilises the strategies of restorative practices to enhance our students’ academic, social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Students are supported to achieve their SMART goals in Literacy and Numeracy and to engage in learning. We aim to connect our learners’ interests through inquiry with relevant, real-world learning experiences and to promote questioning, teamwork and problem-solving skills for life-long learning. Student influence, decision-making and leadership opportunities help our staff and parent community to co-lead and manage our site teaching and learning initiatives. Our active volunteers’ involvement in Canteen, Sports, Library, Reading, and other extra-curricular activities add value to our students’ education.

Planning for future improvements through data analysis inform our strategic Site Improvement Plan priorities aligned with DfE and Campbell Partnership strategic plans. Thorndon Park Primary School is a member of the Campbell Partnership that includes: Athelstone Preschool, Athelstone Primary School, Campbelltown Preschool, Charles Campbell College, il nido Children’s Centre, East Marden Primary School, Paradise Kindergarten, East Torrens Primary School, The Briars Special Early Learning Centre, Felixstow Community School, Thorndon Park Kindergarten, Paradise Primary School and Adelaide East Education Centre.

1. General information

·         School Principal: Greg Johnston

·         Deputy Principal: Anella DiBiase

·         Co-ordinator Student Wellbeing: Cassandra Giannone

·         Year of opening: 1970

·         Postal Address: 71 Stradbroke Road, Athelstone, SA 5076

·         Location Address: 71 Stradbroke Road, Athelstone, SA 5076

·         DfE Region: Eastern Adelaide – Felixstow 2 Education Office

·         Partnership: Campbell

·         Geographical location – 11 kms from GPO

·         Telephone number: 08 83372050

·         Fax Number: 08 3375890

·         School website address:

·         School e-mail address:

·         Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) service: Mobile: 0421 618 856

·         Level of Disadvantage: 6

·         February FTE student enrolment: 262

February FTE student enrolment












Year 1






Year 2






Year 3






Year 4






Year 5






Year 6






Year 7












School Card Approvals






EALD Totals






Aboriginal FTE Enrolment






Students with disabilities






• Student enrolment trends decreasing due to zoning restrictions, and no longer offering year 7.
Staffing numbers:

Basic Teacher Allocation Principal: 1.0
Deputy Principal: 1.0
Co-ordinator Student Wellbeing 0.4 Class teachers: 10 (FTE)
Reading Support: 0.2

Specialist teachers and programs:

  • Physical Education and SAPSASA: 0.4
  • Performing Arts: Music, Drama, Dance: 0.4
  • Languages – Italian: 0.4
  • Technologies: 0.4
  • Visual and Media Arts 0.4 EALD: 0.3

School Services Officers 

  • Finance/Admin Officers Library
  • Student Curriculum Support 
  • Grounds/maintenance
  •  Pastoral Care Worker
  • IT Technicians 

• Public transport access: Stradbroke Road Bus routes H30, 179.

• Special site arrangements:
STEM Works – Thiele Building; Library, teaching and learning of interdisciplinary units of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Out of School Hours Care and Vacation Care service managed by Governing Council
Student leadership
Quicksmart, MiniLit, MacqLit; SAPSASA and sporting events 

Nature/Forest Play – Outdoor classroom
Campbell Partnership shared Professional Development opportunities

General characteristics:
Thorndon Park Primary School has an enrolment of 262 Reception to Year 6 students. Students, staff, parents and families develop positive working relationships to co-deliver high quality teaching and learning programs in caring and engaging learning environments. Parents engage in decision- making processes through governance, committees and working parties.
Parents support classroom, excursions, library, sports, school events and teaching and learning programs.

Child Protection Curriculum; DfE Wellbeing Learning for Life – Educator Toolkit resources; TPPS Behaviour Education Policy and Guidelines and promoting powerful learner dispositions (collaboration, perserverance, listening, noticing, questioning, problem-solving, empathy…)
Berry Street Education Model Strength Cards
Play is the Way Restorative Circle Time Pastoral Care Worker
Student leadership – Ambassadors, Student Wellbeing Leaders, House Captains

• Student management:

• Special programmes

3. Key School Policies

Numeracy goal: Improve student achievement in numeracy

100% of students (6 out of 37 students) who achieved HB in year 3 will remain in HB in year 5 in NAPLAN Numeracy.

NAPLAN Reading data has shown an upward trend in high band achievement over the past 5 data sets since 2015 with a small decline (8%) in 2021.
Standard of Educational Achievement was maintained in 2021 at 88% achieving SEA. Year 5 NAPLAN Reading achievement in the high bands was the highest ever (38%). Despite an increase in the number of students in Year 5 and 7 who maintained achievement from their previous NAPLAN Reading result, we experienced a lower number of students in Year 5 and 7 who increased.

NAPLAN Numeracy achievement in the high bands was the highest ever (26%). Despite an increase in the number of students in Year 5 and 7 who maintained achievement from their previous NAPLAN Numeracy result, we experienced a lower number of students in Year 5 and 7 who increased.

The school has worked assiduously to build and sustain a culture of continuous improvement with very strong support for the school, leadership, and staff from parents and Governing Council. Thorndon Park Primary school has become the school of choice for many families.

language and vocab goals have been developed and shared through PLCs resulting in the implementation of a consistent language in oral language and vocab development across the site.The school has implemented a writing assessment tool to track and monitor writing progress of all students at regular intervals throughout the year.
Staff reported that Numeracy progressions, clarity of learning intentions, co- constructed success criteria, word walls and a common vocab were significant strategies in developing a common language for maths across the site.
The school provided extensive evidence of the analysis of assessment data to inform differentiated curriculum and instruction. Staff provided a diverse range of strategies used in formative and summative assessments to inform and refine planning. SMART goals are an embedded practice across the site.
Staff reported that transparency in assessment processes including self- assessment had significantly supported student learning growth.

• The Australian Curriculum incorporates eight learning areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and Languages – Italian.
• To become life-long learners, the skills and dispositions of the General Capabiities of Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social, Ethical Understanding, and Intercultural Understanding are taught across learning areas.
• The Australian Curriculum also includes the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures; Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia; and Sustainability.
• Literacy and Numeracy progressions complement the Australian Curriculum.
• LDAM professional development in learning design, moderation and formative assessment was accessed by teachers to improve planning and implementation of effective teaching and learning strategies.
• Our specialist programs include: Performing Arts – Dance, Music and Dance; Technologies; Health and Physical Education; and Languages – Italian.

The Inclusion and Intervention Co-ordinator, Deputy Principal Implements EALD and Brightpath writing programs. The Reading Support teacher provides pedagogical support to staff, updates resources and works with students to monitor and track progress. SSOs support students with disabilities, learning difficulties and differentiated 3 wave programs in classes. ACEO provides support to our ATSI students, staff and school community. Quicksmart Numeracy program successfully targets wave 2 primary students to improve their fluency and mathematical abilities. BSSO supports new arrivals and international students as required.

  • Nature Play
  • Digital competitions Restorative Circle Time
  • Whole school Wellbeing program incorporating strategies from Berry Street Education
  • Model and Play is the Way
  • Co-ordination Program
  • SAPSASA competitions and sporting activities

Focus on developing expert teachers by implementing quality teaching pedagogies from SA Teaching for Effective Learning Framework, in particular, creating safe conditions for rigorous learning and personalising and connecting learning.
Targeted intervention for students with disabilities, special needs and English as an additional language or dialect (EALD) with teachers, SSOs and outside support agencies.

TPPS whole school Agreements in Assessment, Intervention and Data Collection schedules.
Ongoing formative and summative assessment throughout the year
Students’ academic results and learning behaviour recorded on Scorelink
Term 1 – Back to Front Maths diagnostic pre and post tests; Rec- Yr 1 Number Checklist; R-2 Reading levels collected at end of the term – Running Records, R-7 students’ reading and comprehension levels assessed with PM and Oxford Benchmark and Literacy Pro resources; Writing samples for levelling (Brightpath and EALD)
Term 2 – Back to Front Maths diagnostic pre and post tests; Rec -1 Number Checklist; NAPLAN testing for years 3, 5 and 7; Running Records and Literacy Pro
Term 3 – Back to Front Maths diagnostic pre and post tests; Number Checklist Rec -1; Year 1 Phonics testing; Writing samples for moderation; PAT testing –Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Vocabulary; Running Records and Literacy Pro
Term 4 – Analysis of data sets to identify trends, inform targeted explicit teaching and Site Improvement Plan priorities

Term 3 Interviews and reviewing SMART goals Term 4 Written end of year achievement report

Campbelltown City Council and Library

  • Specialist Physical Education teacher organises sports clinics
  • Premier’s Be Active Challenge
  • SAPSASA events
  • Swimming and Aquatic lessons
  • Sports Day
  • Clinics – Soccer, Football
  • Little Athletics
  • PE Week activities – Colour explosion fun run Extra – curricular sports teams

Camps, excursions and incursions

School events are organised by staff, students and parents, for example: Harmony Day, Sports’ Day, Mothers and Fathers’ Days’ Breakfasts,
Grandparents’ Day, Book Week, Book Fair, Reconciliation Week, Science and Physical Education Weeks, Campbelltown Council and community projects.
Students are encouraged to pursue areas of interest, identify school based needs and projects and local community engagement activities, organise and promote school discos, talent shows, Voice IT and leadership initiatives.
Buddy classes interact with students in cross-age tutoring activities to promote a range of teaching and learning activities both on site, with TPPS kindergarten and Campbell Partnership sites.

curriculum intervention as funding provided for student support, IT technicians and groundsperson/maintenance.

Principal (AO4), Deptuy Principal Teaching & Learning/Inclusive Education (BO2) and Student Wellbeing Leader (BO1) work together to provide a cohesive leadership team.
3 Step 9 teachers

Principal & Deputy Principal provides line management to teaching staff and SSOs.
Professional Learning Teams meeting times are provided during school hours via NIT timetable.
SSO teams meet regularly and with teachers and leaders to discuss and report student progress.
The school has a commitment to collegial learning, open communication, mutual support and high expectations of all. There are two Professional Learning Communities (PLC) aligned with our SIP goals of Literacy and Numeracy. PLC teams meet at least three times per term after school to focus on teacher pedagogy – plan, analyse data to inform practice, moderate student work, engage in professional learning activites and sharing of effective strategies for teaching and learning etc.
Classes buddy with each other to encourage cross-age tutoring and building respectful relationships.
The Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) works in partnership with the Principal on HR matters such as: deploying appointed staff; developing leadership structures; staffing configerations; identifying vacancies and creating vacancy descriptions; and addressing any grievances.
Work, Health and Safety (WHS) committee initiates, develops and monitors strategies to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of workers while at work. Review and monitor performance against the safety management system requirements.
Student Review Team work is informed by data to: co-ordinate intervention; proactively identifying and supporting students at risk; and monitoring and evaluating school behaviour management practices and systems.
ICT committee – supporting students and staff to utilise digital devices and software in teaching and learning in a safe responsible manner
Social committee – promoting positive working relationships and staff wellbeing through functions and social events.

All teaching and non-teaching staff work with the Principal and the Leadership team to establish their professional goals and annual performance plan aligned with DfE, Campbell Partnership and TPPS Improvement priorities.

Staff utilisation policies
Access to special staff

8. Incentives, support and award conditions for Staff

Complexity placement points

• Isolation placement points
• Shorter terms

9. School Facilities

The school is situated on a well-maintained site near the foothills of Black Hill in the suburb of Athelstone. On site parking is available for staff only at the front and side of the school.

The buildings include:
An Administration area consisting of Front Office Admin, Finance and OSHC Admin and photocopier, spaces, Principal, Deputy and Co-ordinator offices, Conference Room, Staff Room, First Aid Room, ICT/technicians’ office, staff toilets.
Gymnasium- Bradman Gym for OSHC service with storage rooms, Canteen and an Access toilet.
Five transportable buildings consisting of six R-2 classrooms, four years 4 -6 classrooms and a withdrawal room for teacher preparation area, photocopier and student intervention spaces.
Brick building – Thiele – STEM Works area Library and teacher Resource areas, Gallery, Withdrawal room for intervention and instrumental music

Outdoor storage sheds near staff car park and at the back of the oval for extra Sporting equipment.
External pods for furniture storage – tables and chairs, gym high jump mat.

All indoor areas are fully heated and cooled by reverse cycle systems.

All teaching and learning areas are fitted with interactive SMART Boards, interactive Epson Projectors with White Boards, TV SMART screens and trolleys of laptops, chromebooks, iPads, cameras and digital devices.
Library, Literacy, Numeracy, Science resources purchased for the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, STEM and intervention programs.
Provision of extra curricular programs – external music providers to teach instrumental music.

School canteen is open at lunch times by parent volunteers and student leaders for purchase of snacks
Lunch orders are outsourced to local bakery three times per week Special lunch days each term
Fundraising events

There is a staff room with microwaves, fridges and withdrawal areas for teacher preparation
The Thiele Kitchen and Canteen have ovens, hotplates and dishwashers The Teacher Resource Centre is located in the Thiele Library area.
Staff car parks are available on site in the front of the school and more parks available at the back southern side of the school.

Ramps enable acess in yards and in buildings are available.

Public transport access: Metro bus routes H 30, 179. Private buses are used

10. School Operations

A school Decision Making Policy identifies processes for maximum participation. The Governing Council is jointly responsible with the Principal for governance of the school. Through the Governing Council Committees, parents are able to be actively involved in decision-making.
The major Governing Council Committees are Finance • OSHC • Canteen
Working parties to plan and complete particular events and projects – After School Sports, Assets and Landscape, Community engagement and Fundraising, working bees, Social events – e.g. Quiz night

Staff communication
Year planners and term planners are created to support staff with communication, events and meetings at our site. The term planner is emailed to staff at the beginning of each term. Emails, Sentral and Seesaw apps are used to share information of importance and reminders online daily. All staff members are encouraged to post information as the need arises. Minutes of meetings are emailed to staff and uploaded to a common drive for access by all staff.
A set of school policies, staff handbook and other curriculum statements are available on admin and curriculum servers. Information regarding student learning and behaviours are documented on SENTRAL and EDSAS. SSOs and staff record One Plan student progress on one note.
Staff decision-making is supported through the Student Leadership group, PAC and the Decision Making Procedure.

• Other communication


School financial position
Special funding

11. Local Community

The school is located in the Campbelltown City Council area and is located close to local facilities and transport links.

Parents are involved in all aspects of school life and are actively encouraged to support classroom activities, Canteen, Library, Kitchen Garden programs, sports coaching, excursions etc.
All volunteers are to complete the on-line Reporting to Risk of Harm Abuse and Neglect (RRHAN) Training along with Working with Children Check (WWCC). Parents and volunteers demonstrate their commitment to the schools’ volunteer policy and guidelines by signing and adhering to the volunteer agreement which covers the roles and responsibilities of a volunteer at TPPS as well as participating in training sessions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and all volunteers at our school. Parents have high expectations of the school and its staff and our school community. Our school values – Respect, Creativity, Excellence and Resilience are enacted through our TPPS School Community Code of Conduct to promote ethical behaviours and positive partnerships between members of our school community.

Good proactive relationships with staff from Thorndon Park Kindergarten, Campbelltown Children’s Centre and neighbouring Kindergartens help to provide strong transition programmes.
The nearest government primary schools are Stradbroke Primary, Athelstone Primary, Paradise Primary and East Torrens Primary. Students leave at years 5-6 to go to a wide range of secondary government school settings including Charles Campbell, Norwood International and Morialta Secondary, and local independent schools.

Newton Village Shopping Centre is situated near the school.

Campbelltown City Soccer Club is located opposite the school
Black Hill and Morialta Conservation Parks, Wadmore Park and Thorndon Park for recreation use are all nearby.


Adelaide Metro bus service is available from the front of the school on Stradbroke Road to access major shopping centres and a route to the Adelaide city centre.

Campbelltown City Council

 Since the installation of a new building and STEM Works upgrades, Thorndon Park Primary School is no longer at capacity and therefore not zoned