We aim to create a collaborative learning culture where parents and caregivers engage with our school’s programs as volunteers and build positive partnerships with teachers. We aim to provide our students with safe, supportive and challenging learning environments that promote the educational knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities for life-long learning.
Our shared vision for improvement is promoted by the principal, leadership team and teacher leaders with a focus on excellence and high expectations for students, staff and parents/caregivers. Pastoral care and student well-being programs help students to value personal excellence, a love of learning, self-worth and the belief that they can achieve great results.
Teachers use consistent teaching methods for Literacy and Numeracy through whole school agreements and explicit and differentiated teaching. Students articulate what progress they have made with learning goals and data walls and can explain why they are learning certain things.
Thorndon Park Primary School uses data to achieve its strategic vision for learning. Teachers use a range of formative, summative and standardised tests to inform practice and analyse student behaviour. They work in groups to collect evidence on what is working well, and how to improve teaching practice. We recognise and use the rich and diverse linguistic and cultural resources in our school community and work closely with the Campbell Partnership schools and pre-schools to provide improved outcomes for children and young people
Postal Address: 71 Stradbroke Road Athelstone SA 5076
Tel: +61 8 8337 2050
Fax: +61 8 8337 5890