School Enrolment
Families wishing to enrol their child are advised to contact the school for tour and enrolment information. To make an appointment please phone our Enrolment Officer on 8337 2050 or email thornpkps.admin@schools.sa.edu.au
Other Enrolments
Families new to the area or transferring from other schools are asked to make an appointment to discuss their enrolment.
International Enrolment
International students wishing to enrol need to apply via the Department for Education International Education Services. More information is available at: www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au
For further information on our International Program please contact Julie.Powell951@schools.sa.edu.au
Reception Enrolment
If your child turns five before 30 April, they will start school on the first day of term 1 in that year. If your child turns 5 on or after 1 May and before 31 October, they can start school on the first day of term 3 that year.

Transition Policy

Registration of Interest