Governing Council

Role of Governing Council

Governance in schools is the responsibility of the Governing Council whose role is directed by the Constitution and Code of Practice. The Governing Council identifies and incorporates, where possible, student, parent and community input and values into the broad direction of the school. The Principal brings the staff perspective to these undertakings. The broad direction may include a future vision, a statement of purpose and a set of values that clearly focus on improving student learning.

Other roles of Governing Council include monitoring progress of site budget and plans and report progress through the Annual Report to the school community.

School Management

Site management and educational leadership is the responsibility of the Principal and staff. It is not a part of the governance role involving the governing council and wider community.

For further details please access the following website and follow the links through to Governance

Elections for Governing Council are held at the AGM usually held by mid February.

Governing Council Role Statement
Develops Broad Directional Policy

The Governing Council develops broad policy statements that facilitate the achievement of the school vision and broad direction.

Initiates and Approves Recommendations and Strategies

All recommendations must conform with government policy, industrial agreements, DE policy and direction and site decision making structures.

Other roles of Governing Council include:

  • Monitoring progress of site budget and plans
  • Report Progress through the annual report to the school community.

Sub Committees

Committees assist the Governing Council to carry out its functions more efficiently and effectively by handling matters that require considerable discussion, development or planning. They may be established to give advice on such responsibilities as finance, buildings and grounds, education policy and community relations.

Governing Council Committees and Working Parties are seen as a valuable way of:

  • assisting the council meet its array of responsibilities by expanding the number and range of people involved in governance and leaving the main body to focus on its broader governing role
  • broadening opportunities for more parents and caregivers, staff and other community members with particular expertise to be involved
  • providing other entry levels for the participation of interested parents and caregivers, community members and potential future council members
  • increasing the involvement of staff and strengthening the link between site staff and the governance of the site

Financial Advisory Sub Committee Role Statement

OSHC Sub Committee Role Statement

Canteen Sub Committee Role Statement

Working Parties

After School Sports

Assets and Landscape

Community Engagement

Contact the Governing Council

Have a question or want to contact the Governing Council Chairperson directly?

Please fill out the below contact form and we will be in touch.